Conference 2018

More than ACEs was the first major conference held by Action on ACEs to launch its strategy. Almost 250 professionals and community organisations attended to hear from local, national and international speakers on 8th November in Cheltenham. 

Scroll down to view the conference report, presentations, videos and gallery. 

The event included the first public Gloucestershire screening of the Resilience documentary, and featured two leading speakers on ACEs; Janine Roderick, Director of Public Health and Policing at Public Health Wales; and Benjamin Perks, UNICEF representative and Senior Fellow at Birmingham University. Alongside this, four local case studies shared their experience and expertise.

If you were unable to attend the event, or want to share the content with colleagues, you can download the full conference summary report here More than ACEs conference 2018_Final Report

The following presentations are available to download as PDFs.


Tim Wood, Gloucestershire Constabulary
Caroline from Chapple Cartoons, summarises the day
Mary Hutton, NHS Gloucestershire CCG
Tim Browne, Director of Education
Benjamin Perks, UNICEF
Janine Roderick, Programme Director for Public Health and Policing in Wales
Rose Mahon, The Nelson Trust
Cllr Roger Wilson, Chair Health & Wellbeing Board

Conference gallery

Delegates and speakers were inspired by the energy at the event and the wide range of voices and sectors coming together to talk about childhood adversity and importance of hope.  The conference was open to professionals from across health, police, education, social care and housing, as well as representatives of community and voluntary organisations. Speakers covered action and best practice from around Gloucestershire, the UK and internationally, with Q&A sessions picking up on issues faced in adult and children’s social care, as well as solutions from across the community.