Each year Gloucestershire participates in the international 16 days of action against gender-based violence. Starting on the 25th November (International day for the elimination of violence against women) and ending on 10th December (Human rights day).

For 2019,  the theme is communities. Our Community against Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence. This will look to educate and inform the community about domestic abuse and sexual violence and how to support family, friends or community members.

Gloucestershire will also be supporting a campaign across the whole south west region coordinated by Public Health England (south west). The campaign will aim to engage with workplaces in the prevention and response to domestic abuse and sexual violence which follows on from the campaign last year.

Many organisations are getting involved:

This campaign will look to raise awareness of domestic abuse and sexual violence within Gloucestershire communities. It will inform and educate the community about how they may be able to support family, friends or community members who may be experiencing or at risk of experiencing domestic abuse or sexual violence.

The Campaign details and material can be found at http://www.glostakeastand.com/professionals/events/