by Hannah Elliot | Dec 18, 2020 | Blog
Between May and December 2019 Action on ACEs Gloucestershire ran a 12 – week pilot to test if the toolkits created by the GCC Children’s Commissioning team were fit for purpose and transferable. Using the tools, we wanted to uncover their usefulness, the types...
by Hannah Elliot | Nov 27, 2020 | Blog
Helen, we are interested to know what made you want to be High Sheriff of Gloucestershire and what steps did you have to take to obtain the role and how has your life changed because of it? Also, what are your general duties and would you say it is a busy role? “The...
by Hannah Elliot | Apr 22, 2020 | Blog, Uncategorized
On behalf of the ACEs Panel, may I firstly hope that you are safe and well in this unprecedented time. I was recently made aware of an interesting blog written by Joanna Hopkins, Wales ACEs Support Hub Director, which raises some interesting thoughts and I would...
by Hannah Elliot | Feb 28, 2020 | Blog
During November and December 2019 Action on ACEs Gloucestershire ran a second awareness survey of professionals and organisations in the county to get a snapshot of current awareness levels of ACEs and to see what work is already underway. In summary: 205 respondents...
by Hannah Elliot | Feb 28, 2020 | Blog
Cllr Roger Wilson sadly passed away in December. As Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board, Roger initiated our work to build resilient communities acting on ACEs. He was inspired by the pioneering work in the United States to understand the lifelong impact ACEs can...
by Hannah Elliot | Feb 24, 2020 | Blog
As we settle into 2020, we welcome Paul Stephenson, our new Panel Chair. Paul was the community subgroup lead for the ACEs Panel and has been responsible for leading on the objective of ‘working in partnership with communities and organisations to build...
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