16 days of action

16 days of action

Each year Gloucestershire participates in the international 16 days of action against gender-based violence. Starting on the 25th November (International day for the elimination of violence against women) and ending on 10th December (Human rights day). For 2019,  the...
ACEs in action strategy update

ACEs in action strategy update

Work across the county is progressing at pace and we continue to be surprised by the changes individuals and organisations are making. It’s a year since we launched it at our inaugural conference, and we are constantly surprised by how the movement has grown here in...

Fire & Rescue Service receives ACEs training

Gloucestershire Fire & Rescue Service (GRFS) have been taking Action on ACEs since the beginning of our campaign in 2018. SkillZONE Manager Donna Potts, regularly attends our events and was one of the first to get involved in supporting our work, by delivering...

Spotlight on – Domestic Abuse

As we prepare for November’s 16 days of action campaign, we shine the spotlight on Domestic Abuse. Q. What is domestic abuse? The term domestic abuse covers a wide variety of actions and behaviours as seen in this definition. Its affects can be long lasting and...
ACEs in action strategy update

ACC Julian Moss recognised for ACEs work

Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) Julian Moss, Chair of the Action on ACEs Panel, has been awarded honorary membership of the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) in recognition of his work to tackle childhood trauma. He is the first Police Officer to receive Honorary...